What Do I Post on Social If I’m New and Want to Make Exciting Content?

I’m not an influencer, and I doubt I ever will be. But that’s okay, because social media isn’t just for influencing or making money from sponsorships. In fact, I would argue that a small a community of loyal customers is even better than thousands of apathetic followers.

But can you form your own loyal community on social media? Yes! Posting on social platforms is still a great way to connect, helping people discover and follow your brand.

And if you’re wondering, “What do I post on social that could help me connect?” Well, you might be surprised to find you already have everything you need to make content that resonates with followers.

You just need to to channel your “inner influencer” (cue eyeroll), regardless of how many followers you actually have.

How to channel your “inner influencer”

Because they can come across as fake, influencers are often the bud of jokes in our culture. But many of them have qualities we want: charismatic personalities, disposable wealth, and in the case of my favorite influencers, an understanding of power tools. (Any contractors looking for an apprentice?)

In general, though, influencers have one thing that unites them: a deep commitment to posting new and interesting things regularly. And if you’re wondering what to post on social media, this is a good place to start.

It can be difficult to share information about yourself, and maybe even more difficult to do it regularly. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try!

If you’re anxious about starting a social media account—because you think you’ll sound stupid, or you don’t have anything to post, or any of the negative things we tell ourselves—just go ahead and start an account anyway.

Chances are, you know a lot more than you realize. There are probably so many things you know how to do that seem like pure magic to other people. And people are nosy! Who wouldn’t want to know the ins and outs of your brand? You likely already have photos and products people are excited to see.

What do I post on social media? Here are some ideas:

  • Your process

  • Anecdotes

  • Products

  • Teasers

  • Timely content

  • Customer stories

Post your process on social media

On our own social media posts, we often show Hollye’s design process. As she’s illustrating something, she records all the variations of the design in a time lapse. Often, there are a few different styles she tries before landing on the one she likes best.

Even if you’re not a designer, though, you probably still have a process people find interesting. If your projects have tangible benchmarks, even better. You can post your progress on social media, offering a firsthand look into what you do.

Post your anecdotes on social media

Any self-proclaimed marketing expert will tell you good marketing/advertising is all about storytelling. And while it’s annoying to hear this cliched advice from “thought leaders,” there is something to it.

Video platforms like TikTok and YouTube have shown us the value of storytelling firsthand. People often record their own stories in a car or on the street, and these anecdotes can honestly be about anything. 

If you’re branding yourself, for instance, you might tell personal stories. Elyse Meyers is a social media comedian with a combined 8M+ followers on Instagram and TikTok. Her videos are personal, and that’s the appeal. She tells real stories about real events from her life, with her first viral sensation covering a bad date.

On the other hand, maybe you’re branding a business. Jefferson Fisher is a lawyer who makes videos about effective argument strategies.

His stories are less specific and personal, but he gives anecdotal evidence on how people respond to certain argument methods. This establishes him as a knowledgeable expert in his field.

Post your products on social media

If you sell products, show them off! You can create content around how your products are made, what they’re made of, and how they’re used.

For example, Heidi Kenney has an account that’s dedicated to the creation of her ceramic pieces. You can see the lifecycle of her creations from beginning to end, which gives customers both insight and appreciation for the craft.

Post teasers on social media

People love a reveal. Tease your audience on social media with “coming soon” posts or miniature reveals of a project. Good teasers can generate excitement and keep your brand top of mind.

If you’re not familiar with Our Restoration Nation, it’s a brand composed of a husband-and-wife team, Laine and Kevin. While they have an active Instagram presence, their YouTube account is maybe the best example of teaser content.

Each individual video has a “hook” that attracts viewers, and then, viewers are compelled to keep watching due to a never-ending curiosity gap.

That’s because Laine and Kevin aren’t only renovating historic homes video by video, but they’re also restoring multiple homes at any given time. This means loyal followers will continue tuning in for reveals indefinitely.

Post timely content on social media

You may remember how we made Valentine’s Day cards during the initial success of The Last of Us. Because the cards were timely, they sold better than many of our other creations.

Building new, zeitgeisty social media content can increase your chances of being seen. Plus, when your social posts are relevant to a broader cultural conversation, you’re more likely to meet your audience’s current needs. This can help you attract prospective customers and sales.

Post customer stories on social media

Successful customer testimonials are one of the best marketing tactics for any business. And if you have happy customers or you’ve created great work for them, that’s what you should be posting on social media. 

If your audience can see what you really do—that you’re a legitimate business with satisfied customers—they’ll be more likely to do business with you. 


If you’re wondering what to post on social media, don’t get discouraged. There are probably a number of things you do each day that can be made into entertaining, educational content.  

If you’re still unsure how to plan your social media posts, we’re here to help. We offer consultations, social media kits, branding, and more. Not sure what you need? We can figure it out together. Contact us for your first free consultation.

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Kaitlin Westbrook

Co-Founder + Marketing Director at Julian//West


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