Try This Free Daily Schedule Template for a Happier, More Organized Day

A printed version of a daily schedule template.

You’ve probably heard attention spans are shrinking. And how could they not be? We have so many things to keep us occupied, it’s no wonder concentrating comes as a challenge. While there are tricks to staying focused, it’s also helpful to have a daily schedule template to keep you on track.

If you’re like us, you’re visual. Sometimes seeing your day written out can be less overwhelming than a full calendar. That’s why we’ve designed this daily planner printable for you, which is free for new subscribers!  Simply sign up for our email to get your own daily schedule template.

What’s in the daily schedule template?

In this printable, you’ll get sections for three big tasks, a break section, a water section (because no one drinks enough water), an activity section, and a song of the day.

Are there tips for staying on-task when you work remotely?

Yes! We have a whole article about my morning routine here. A lot of the sections on this daily schedule template can be used with those tips. You might also like our write-up about work-life balance for home business owners.

Where can I buy/download the daily schedule template?

While this file is available for purchase on our Etsy, you don’t need to buy it! You can simply sign up for our email and get the printable PDF file for free.

A hand filling out the daily schedule template with a pen

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Kaitlin Westbrook

Co-Founder + Marketing Director at Julian//West


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