Starting an LLC in Kentucky? SMB Resources for Licenses, Grants, and More


Starting a business is exciting, but the process can be bumpy. Often, new businesses need a lot of guidance before they can even launch.

When Hollye and I started our business, we took classes, asked questions, and met with professionals who knew much more than we did. (Ironically, even though we started a business for creative freedom, we still need people to tell us what to do sometimes.) 

Learning from people with experience was (and still is) invaluable for us. That’s because, in the initial phases of your brand, it can be helpful to lean on people who have been there. Doing everything by yourself is exhausting, and it’s a sure way to get burned out before you’ve even started.

Thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to connect with people who can mentor you. What’s more, there could be other resources specific to your area that you haven’t yet considered. 

Why use resources specific to your region when starting an LLC?

Professionals in your town or state are more likely to understand the problems you’ll face, as well as the opportunities available. Grants, taxes, and loans are often state-specific, so having guidance from local professionals can be helpful for your business.

Since we’re Kentucky gals at heart, we thought we’d share small business resources for people starting an LLC in Kentucky. If you live in the Bluegrass state, you can bookmark these organizations for your own small business (future or current). And if these Kentucky LLC & small business resources end up being helpful, we may turn this into a series. What do you think?

Small business resources for LLC Kentucky startups

Kentucky small business development center website screenshot

Kentucky Small Business Development Center

With locations across the state, you can get consulting, training, resources, and assistance no matter where in Kentucky you are. Use this organization’s tools for establishing your KY LLC, business planning, financing, marketing, and more.

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Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development

Discover government-trusted resources and assistance for small businesses. You can browse financing options, tax incentives, workforce development programs, and even access to business networks.

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Western Kentucky University Small Business Accelerator building

Small Business Accelerator

Located in Bowling Green, KY, the Small Business Accelerator is a program funded by Western Kentucky University. This organization caters to startups and early-stage businesses, providing information-sharing, mentorship, consulting, and more.

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Kentucky Innovation Network

With hubs across the state, you can find support for your startup or small business. The Kentucky Innovation Network offers mentoring, access to capital, networking opportunities, and assistance with technology commercialization.

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Kentucky Business One Stop

The state’s one-stop shop for everything business. Find loan programs and financing options specifically designed for small businesses in Kentucky, as well as licenses and permits, incentives and forms.

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Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board

Explore workforce development programs and resources to help KY small businesses find, train, and retain skilled workers. Research grants, training programs, and resources for workforce development.

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Small Business Association (SBA)

Find assistance with business loans, government contracting, and other small business programs.

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Render Capital website screenshot

Render Capital

Founded in 2020 by a Louisville-based private operating foundation, Render Capital is an intentional, local investment firm focused on equity and serving underrepresented communities. Its First Dollar Program provides grants to Black and Brown entrepreneurs.

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University of Louisville College of Business

Stay up-to-date on recruiting events, interns for hire, mentorship opportunities, or become a member of the The Family Business Center. This Louisville center for business is great for locals looking to break into the job market.

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Maybe you’re starting an LLC in Kentucky, or you’re growing your local partnership, or you’re a student fresh out of school. No matter where you are on your path, there are resources to help.

Our agency also provides consulting services for new and established businesses, as well as graphic design, copywriting, and more. Get in touch to set up a free consultation.

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Kaitlin Westbrook

Co-Founder + Marketing Director at Julian//West


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