Hey Look, We Started a Company

Kaitlin and Hollye Westbrook of the Julian//West branding agency, sitting at the Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco, CA.

Welcome to the Julian//West® blog! Kaitlin here—co-founder and co-owner of the J//W agency. With this being the first blog post, I thought it would be fun to answer some basic questions about the brand and the people behind it.

Who is Julian//West?

Julian//West is a branding agency owned by my sister, Hollye, and me, Kaitlin. We created it in honor of James “Julian” Westbrook, a hardworking dairy farmer who also happened to be our grandfather and next-door neighbor.

James "Julian" Westbrook stands with holstein heifers on his dairy farm. The Julian//West branding agency was named in honor of him.

In addition to branding services, we have an Etsy shop and a blog (but maybe you already guessed that). Our agency serves Nashville, TN and Louisville, KY, but we’ve done work for brands all over the world. If you’re interested in our services, you can contact us here.

A bit about Hollye

Hollye majored in graphic design and worked as a designer for Fruit of the Loom before going to Miami Ad School in San Francisco. She lived there for several years, working both the in-house and agency sides of advertising. She’s designed for Netflix, eBay, Playstation, Udemy, Kinsa Health, and many more. In short, she’s a badass!

A bit about Kaitlin

Kaitlin Westbrook, copywriter and cofounder of the Julian//West branding agency, sits outside of a Nashville restaurant.

Hey, that’s me! After studying film and English, I started doing copy and content in 2014. I loved all things digital, so I joined the martech scene early in my career. I moved to Nashville in 2018, and I’ve been living the honky tonk life ever since. (Just kidding.) I’ve written dozens of video scripts, created copy for nearly twenty SaaS brands, and worked on hundreds of blog posts. And somehow, I still love doing it.

Our philosophy on branding

We’re obsessed with creative storytelling, and we think hard work is invaluable. With that said, we also know it’s important to laugh sometimes. Our priority is you and your enjoyment of the work—and maybe most importantly, your enjoyment of the process.

How do we work with businesses?

Your first consultation is always free, so don’t be afraid to connect with us, even if you just have questions. You can tell us about your goals, and we can discuss what a plan might look like for you.

Thanks for reading! We hope to chat with you soon.


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Kaitlin Westbrook

Co-Founder + Marketing Director at Julian//West


What is Branding and How Do I Achieve a Good Brand Strategy?