16 Unique, Seasonal Color Palettes That Can Be Used as the Months Change

If you work in branding like we do, you might be obsessed with colors. And why shouldn’t you be? Between company personas, marketing campaigns, individual designs, and even house decor, color palettes can guide all your artistic choices.

Because of that, we thought it would be fun to use our favorite color palette tool, Coolors, to make different seasonal color palettes and share them with you.

What are some reasons to use color palettes?

Cohesive look and feel

A set color code may seem restrictive, but it can actually keep you from going rogue. In marketing, it’s easy to have an exciting idea for an ad or a social post. But in the same way copywriting guidelines and brand archetypes can guide a company’s tone, specific colors ensure a cohesive design.

Color psychology

Different hues create varying psychological effects. It’s why Facebook and LinkedIn use blue (to instill trust and calmness), or why fast food companies use red (it’s stimulating and associated with action). Colors impact feelings, and you can use color psychology in your own art, driving emotions through your designs.

A new take on an old classic

There are certain holidays in the US, such as Christmas or the Independence Day, that have very traditional color palettes.

While about 85% of people in the states actually observe Christmas, decades of marketing have established red and green as the official hues of the season. And although our flag isn’t unique in its colors, Independence Day is still the red-white-and-blue holiday here in America.

Luckily, seasonal color palettes give you the option of re-interpreting those overused color schemes. What’s more, business owners can use these seasonal color palettes to create special marketing materials that blend better with their brands.

Seasonal color palettes you can use

So, without further ado, let’s get into the reason you’re here: colors! We’ve broken down our palettes into the four seasons. Feel free to save these palettes, or let them inspire you to make your own.

Winter color palettes

Obviously, winter changes depending on where you live. However, for many of us, winter days can be cool and dreary. On the other hand, winter can also be a sentimental time for family.

In the palettes below, we use several darker tones and cooler colors. To capture some of that end-of-year excitement, we also chose a few warm pops to add positivity to the palettes.

Clear winter color palette: 5 HEX colors

Clear winter color palette

Cool winter color palette: 5 HEX colors

Cool winter color palette

Dark winter color palette: 5 HEX colors

Dark winter color palette

Warm holiday color palette: 5 HEX colors

Warm holiday color palette

Spring color palettes

Traditional spring palettes have some of my favorite hues. We tend to think of pastels and new growth in this season, so we’ve added different versions of light colors you can use in this season of fresh starts.

Light spring color palette: 5 HEX colors

Light spring color palette

Warm spring color palette: 5 HEX colors

Warm spring color palette

Traditional spring color palette: 5 HEX colors

Traditional spring color palette

Bright spring color palette: 5 HEX colors

Bright spring color palette

Summer color palettes

Summer is a perfect season for bold designs and hues. Whether you want something more muted or something eye-catching, we’ve got you covered in our color palettes below.

Bright summer color palette: 5 HEX colors

Bright summer color palette

Bold summer color palette: 5 HEX colors

Bold summer color palette

Muted summertime color palette: 5 HEX colors

Muted summertime color palette

Warm summer color palette: 5 HEX colors

Warm summer color palette

Fall color palettes

Autumn is a favorite season for many, often because it’s such a colorful time of year. Between Halloween and changing trees, there are so many hues to love. Below we have a few palettes, whether you feel like going traditional or going for a vibe.

Deep autumn color palette: 5 HEX colors

Deep autumn color palette

Bright fall palette: 5 HEX colors

Halloween-inspired fall palette

Bold autumn color palette: 5 HEX colors

Bold autumn color palette

Bright fall palette: 5 HEX colors

Bright fall palette


Did you find some collections you love? We hope you did, and we hope you’ll feel inspired to make your own seasonal color palettes as the months change.

If you’re looking for a palette that’s more permanent, like a branding guide, feel free to contact us for a free consultation. We’ll start brainstorming the colors that fit your business.

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Kaitlin Westbrook

Co-Founder + Marketing Director at Julian//West


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