2022: Our Year in Review at Julian//West

It’s been a big year at Julian//West! After forming the business in 2020 and getting trademarked in 2021, we knew this was the year to share it with the world. Here’s a timeline of some of our favorite moments from 2022!

A 2022 timeline of our business, starting in March and ending in December

Shop wins

We started adding to our Etsy shop this year, and we made our first sale in August. We now have nearly 30 listings, and we’ve been consistently ramping up our inventory and sales.

Between designing, pun-tificating, and general brainstorming, this process has been so fun. I can honestly say it’s been a crash course in ecommerce and inspiration. We can’t wait to continue growing this side of our business in 2023.

Marketing updates

This was also a big year for our marketing efforts. We kicked off our content strategy in March, and I am so proud of our blog, This is the 30th post!

With a content marketing strategy in place, emails weren’t far behind. We started our email newsletter this summer, a biweekly send that includes tips and content from our blog. You can sign up here.

We also officially launched our company in September (ahh!), sharing it on LinkedIn and Instagram. Without getting too sappy, we were humbled by the support of our friends and family. We couldn’t have done it without you!

It’s our hope that this brand can be a regular dose of entertainment (maybe you remember our urban legends photo shoot?), which is why we’ve also been developing content for Pinterest and TikTok, too.

Growing our network

Finally, we officially started working with clients this year. This is a big win for us!

We also met a lot of artists and professionals through events and online communities. Meeting other entrepreneurs is maybe the most inspirational part of our process, because professionals (especially fellow creatives) have so much knowledge and creativity to share.

Highlights from this year include Slacking with our heroes from Hoodzpah, attending the St. James Art Fair in Louisville, KY, and featuring fellow card-makers on our blog.


We’ve all heard stories of overnight successes: a blogger’s asked to write a screenplay and wins an Oscar, a woman becomes a meme superstar after one video. These stories are exciting and alluring, but they’re also outliers.

For the rest of us, success can look different at different times. Growing a business often takes persistence and work. I love that overnight success can happen, but I absolutely believe slow and steady wins the race for most people. As we continue to grow our agency, the best part is looking back and seeing the milestones we’ve hit!

If you’re interested in working with us in 2023, reach out for a free consultation. We’ll create a tailored plan made just for you.

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Kaitlin Westbrook

Co-Founder + Marketing Director at Julian//West


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