6 Motivational Books Every Content Writer Should Read For Better Clarity

A number of books piled on the floor. This is the cover photo for this blog post, which discusses motivational books for content writers.

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So, you want to write copy and content. Well, hats off to you, my friend! Content writing is a great way to share ideas, encourage business, and increase traffic.

But when it comes to becoming a content writer, starting can be a bit daunting. How often should you write? And where do you find the motivation?

The best way to write well is to read well, and luckily, there are a number of motivational books that can help you do just that. Below we go over a few of these motivational books—ones that can help any content writer or copywriter improve their writing and their process.

Bird By Bird

Bird By Bird is for professionals and hobbyists alike. Written by novelist Anne Lamott, it explains some of the fears we have around writing and how we can face them. She provides simple action items on how you can write a little each day.

On Writing

Written by the prolific Stephen King, this motivational book isn't a supernatural thriller or dystopian scifi. Instead, it reads like a memoir of King's life, while also providing invaluable information on, well, writing. (Hence the name.) Stephen King writes each and every day, and he gives insight on his process, as well as what he does when he has writer's block.

Hey Whipple Squeeze This

Although Luke Sullivan has an aversion to puns (nobody's perfect), he also has a brilliant mind for advertising. In this book, he writes about the strategies of advertising, the history behind some great (and not so great) ads, and how psychology works on audiences.

When it was origially written, Hey Whipple... was for creatives who worked in offices and people who got their content from TV sets. And while the world looks a little different now, this book still has plenty to teach copywriters and content writers looking to work in advertising.

5-Minute Daily Writing Prompts

What if you replaced your morning doom-scroll with a few minutes of free writing? With these five-minute daily writing prompts, you can be creative without the responsibility of brainstorming ideas, because the prompts are already available.

The Artist's Way Starter Kit

When Julia Cameron wrote The Artist's Way back in 1992, I wonder if she knew it would take the world by storm. This motivational book is beloved by creatives: Artists, writers, and musicians even refer to it as life-changing.

If you work through The Artist's Way, you'll do daily free writing, artist dates with yourself, reading freezes, and a number of other surprising activities to help you channel your creativity.

Everybody Writes

Have you ever heard of Ann Handley? She's unknown to some and a true celebrity to others. This marketing influencer is famous for her focus on quality content and the belief that anyone can be a better content writer. What's more, in this motivational book, she provides strategies for how you can publish more writing of better quality.


So, if you’re starting on your professional writing journey and need a little motivation, look no further than these books! Each one offers something unique, and they’ll all help you on your path to becoming a prolific, more confident writer.

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Kaitlin Westbrook

Co-Founder + Marketing Director at Julian//West


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